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fiogf49gjkf0dEASYLAND AUTOPARTS (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD., a member of EASYLAND GROUP, was founded in Shanghai China in the year of 2002. We are always concentrating on uniting the best automotive manufacturers in China to supply the best products to our customers. We are always keeping refining our manufacturers and most of them have been accredited by ISO9002 QS 9000,ISO14001,or ISO/TS16949.We are focusing on the following Vehicle Models now: HYUNDAI, KIA, DAEWOO, PEUGEOT, RENAULT, FORD. During the past years, we have developed over 5,000 products and have made a remarkable achievement. Today, our customers are spreading all over the world, including 15 countries or districts such as Korea, Iran, U.S., Turkey, Egypt, Poland,etc.We are One-stop Automotive Supplier from China for HYUNDAI, KIA, DAEWOO, PEUGEOT, RENAULT, FORD. We are continuously developing new products to satisfy our customers' new demand. Certainly we will become your best partner from China only if your business are involved in those auto models listed here-above, despite wherever you are from.Regarding the business relationship, we are trying our best to establish a totally different model with our customers -- "Supply Chain Management", which has exceeding the simple and traditional "Buy--Sell Model". "Supply Chain Management" model here means, our customers, our company, and our close manufacturers, the three parts will establish a Circle Chain, each part of the Circle Chain is running separately but sharing the others' business information simultaneously. "Supply Chain Model" will integrate the three parts into a more competitive Chain, which will bring about more and more profits for every member of our Chain.Our target is to become a leader of APSCM (Automotive Parts Supplier Chain Management) from China.
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